DIAMOND LIGHT CRYSTAL YONI EGG: AQUA LEMURIA STONE has this deep dolphin energy which has the most pure and healing energy.It can be a good idea to start with this crystal, because you work with the highest form of purity.

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1.333,00 kr
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1.333,00 kr
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Light Aqua Stone
This Aqua Lemuria Stone has this deep dolphin energy which has the most pure and healing energy. Many people feel most drawn to this crystal in the beginning of their journey because it is clear, bright and pure, and we want to calibrate with that energy. For most people, it can be a good idea to start with this crystal, because you work with the highest form of purity. The connection between the womb and the throat chakra is really activated when using this stone. This stone connects to the highest frequencies of Mu Lemuria through activating the sacred internal waters. The sonic encodings of the whales and the Dolphin frequencies awaken the Akashic records and help us to bring more awareness to our creation through our spoken word and sounds of illumination as we sing them into creation

About Yoni Eggs

Our unique Andara crystal yoni egg from Bali are the only ones in Denmark. We are very proud and honored to have been given this unique opportunity to bring these beautiful, divine pieces of pure diamond light frequency from Mother Earth into your self care ritual.

Our unique Yoni Eggs are beautiful tools for womb ascension and activation. Andara Obsidian has been one of the most magical stones we have ever stumbled across. It is known to carry the properties of the Feminine Diamond Light energy. The greatest gift of these beings is to help us to pierce through the veils of illusion to get to the heart of the truth. Although each person’s personal truth is different and the experience with our yoni eggs will be unique - that’s the beauty of it all. The universal truth will always be the same. When we work with the Diamond Light Yoni eggs, we are able to truly connect to our creation center beyond the indoctrination of the illusion. It’s helping us practising our boundary setting and connecting to our inner “yes” and inner “no’s”. Many women have experienced saying “yes”, when they actually meant “no”, and that can be sexually but also in daily life decisions. Every “yes” that should have been a “no” is a rejection and self-betrayal. Eventually it will stagnate in your hip area and block your powerful creation energy.

You can use our powerful yoni eggs to deamouring all the belittling beliefs and the mindset that tells you, that you are not allowed to feel pleasure and desire. All the shame a lot of women carry today around their sexual energy is actually our greatest life force and creative energy source. A womans creation comes from our womb, and from our sexuality. Our sexual energy should be seen as a fire energy, and fire energy is the kind of frequency we use every time we come up with a good idea that we want to birth into this world. Without fire energy, no new heart creations. It’s the fire within us, that gives us the opportunities to create, invent and built what our souls are excited about. The more you allow the whole variety of fire energy into your human experience, the more you will experience the full spectrum of creativity and originality. It’s our creative power center that we really should embrace rather than shaming. There is so much wisdom in our yoni and womb, and because we as women are made by God to create a little human being inside of our womb - for us it’s the most natural thing to create, nurture and birth new ideas into this world. It’s just something we do effortlessly if our power house is in alignment with our soul’s language.

What makes our Yoni Eggs so special?
Forged from the purification of the waters and passion of fire, what makes our yoni eggs so special is the Etherium or Prima Mantra found in the land where the Volcano resides in Indonesia. A place known by the people as the oldest Temple of Lemuria. Located in Sumatra and Java in the areas of Indonesia where the Ring of Fire is alive. There are several live volcanos which go into the ocean. The different colors of Andara Obsidian are created with the rich mineral land, cooled by the ocean. Obsidian has been known to clear illusions and to pierce through the veils to see pure truth with clarity. The Ring of Fire is known as the Heart of the Earth. The pulsing of the veins of our Great Mother Gaia. These stones are also known as the Children of Pele. As Goddess Pele awakens the world through her fires of transformation so does our awakening occur as Daughter of the Mother. These Yoni Eggs are sacred tools for us to come fully in communion with our Mother. From her Womb to ours we become one - in oneness, we heal. All the yoni eggs are energy activated.

Who are they for?
These powerful yoni eggs are for those who are ready to see beyond the veil of illusions with Diamond Light Clarity. Upon awakening or sexual power, what is it that we do next? In working with these stones in combination with breath, sound and intention, you will open up to the wisdom within you.

The history of yoni practice
Yoni Eggs have been used in ancient cultures of the Tao practices for hundreds of years by the Chinese White Tigress culture to strengthen and tone the muscles of the feminine reproductive system. They help to awaken the sensations and bring blood flow and Chi to awaken our sensual pleasure. As we awaken our Chi or life force in this area we can also awaken our creation center more consciously. As you begin to work with the Andara Yoni Egg system you will expand on the basic practices of Yoni Eggs work more specifically with the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of our multidimensional creative being. These eggs will also work with you in your dreamtime and unconscious patterns. Helping you to access your Akashic Records through dreamtime and vocal awakening. These Eggs are an advanced practice that requires a commitment and devotion to growth and a shift in consciousness. To release the victim programming and become the Creatress of your Divine Inheritance fully embodying your Womb Wisdom. As the Diamond light pierces through the Womb, we are faced with the truth of our own internal Universe. The phrase, So soul Diamond Light Crystal Yoni Egg is above is below and so is within is without, takes on a whole new meaning through inner standing of true womb sovereignty. Meaning the center of our womb is our creation center from where all life begins. Our Womb holds the Universe within. As we connect to her with these practices she awakens us to the next level of our inner standing of being a creatress and daughter of the Mother Earth.


Light Aqua Stone
This Aqua Lemuria Stone has this deep dolphin energy which has the most pure and healing energy. Many people feel most drawn to this crystal in the beginning of their journey because it is clear, bright and pure, and we want to calibrate with that energy. For most people, it can be a good idea to start with this crystal, because you work with the highest form of purity. The connection between the womb and the throat chakra is really activated when using this stone. This stone connects to the highest frequencies of Mu Lemuria through activating the sacred internal waters. The sonic encodings of the whales and the Dolphin frequencies awaken the Akashic records and help us to bring more awareness to our creation through our spoken word and sounds of illumination as we sing them into creation

About Yoni Eggs

Our unique Andara crystal yoni egg from Bali are the only ones in Denmark. We are very proud and honored to have been given this unique opportunity to bring these beautiful, divine pieces of pure diamond light frequency from Mother Earth into your self care ritual.

Our unique Yoni Eggs are beautiful tools for womb ascension and activation. Andara Obsidian has been one of the most magical stones we have ever stumbled across. It is known to carry the properties of the Feminine Diamond Light energy. The greatest gift of these beings is to help us to pierce through the veils of illusion to get to the heart of the truth. Although each person’s personal truth is different and the experience with our yoni eggs will be unique - that’s the beauty of it all. The universal truth will always be the same. When we work with the Diamond Light Yoni eggs, we are able to truly connect to our creation center beyond the indoctrination of the illusion. It’s helping us practising our boundary setting and connecting to our inner “yes” and inner “no’s”. Many women have experienced saying “yes”, when they actually meant “no”, and that can be sexually but also in daily life decisions. Every “yes” that should have been a “no” is a rejection and self-betrayal. Eventually it will stagnate in your hip area and block your powerful creation energy.

You can use our powerful yoni eggs to deamouring all the belittling beliefs and the mindset that tells you, that you are not allowed to feel pleasure and desire. All the shame a lot of women carry today around their sexual energy is actually our greatest life force and creative energy source. A womans creation comes from our womb, and from our sexuality. Our sexual energy should be seen as a fire energy, and fire energy is the kind of frequency we use every time we come up with a good idea that we want to birth into this world. Without fire energy, no new heart creations. It’s the fire within us, that gives us the opportunities to create, invent and built what our souls are excited about. The more you allow the whole variety of fire energy into your human experience, the more you will experience the full spectrum of creativity and originality. It’s our creative power center that we really should embrace rather than shaming. There is so much wisdom in our yoni and womb, and because we as women are made by God to create a little human being inside of our womb - for us it’s the most natural thing to create, nurture and birth new ideas into this world. It’s just something we do effortlessly if our power house is in alignment with our soul’s language.

What makes our Yoni Eggs so special?
Forged from the purification of the waters and passion of fire, what makes our yoni eggs so special is the Etherium or Prima Mantra found in the land where the Volcano resides in Indonesia. A place known by the people as the oldest Temple of Lemuria. Located in Sumatra and Java in the areas of Indonesia where the Ring of Fire is alive. There are several live volcanos which go into the ocean. The different colors of Andara Obsidian are created with the rich mineral land, cooled by the ocean. Obsidian has been known to clear illusions and to pierce through the veils to see pure truth with clarity. The Ring of Fire is known as the Heart of the Earth. The pulsing of the veins of our Great Mother Gaia. These stones are also known as the Children of Pele. As Goddess Pele awakens the world through her fires of transformation so does our awakening occur as Daughter of the Mother. These Yoni Eggs are sacred tools for us to come fully in communion with our Mother. From her Womb to ours we become one - in oneness, we heal. All the yoni eggs are energy activated.

Who are they for?
These powerful yoni eggs are for those who are ready to see beyond the veil of illusions with Diamond Light Clarity. Upon awakening or sexual power, what is it that we do next? In working with these stones in combination with breath, sound and intention, you will open up to the wisdom within you.

The history of yoni practice
Yoni Eggs have been used in ancient cultures of the Tao practices for hundreds of years by the Chinese White Tigress culture to strengthen and tone the muscles of the feminine reproductive system. They help to awaken the sensations and bring blood flow and Chi to awaken our sensual pleasure. As we awaken our Chi or life force in this area we can also awaken our creation center more consciously. As you begin to work with the Andara Yoni Egg system you will expand on the basic practices of Yoni Eggs work more specifically with the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of our multidimensional creative being. These eggs will also work with you in your dreamtime and unconscious patterns. Helping you to access your Akashic Records through dreamtime and vocal awakening. These Eggs are an advanced practice that requires a commitment and devotion to growth and a shift in consciousness. To release the victim programming and become the Creatress of your Divine Inheritance fully embodying your Womb Wisdom. As the Diamond light pierces through the Womb, we are faced with the truth of our own internal Universe. The phrase, So soul Diamond Light Crystal Yoni Egg is above is below and so is within is without, takes on a whole new meaning through inner standing of true womb sovereignty. Meaning the center of our womb is our creation center from where all life begins. Our Womb holds the Universe within. As we connect to her with these practices she awakens us to the next level of our inner standing of being a creatress and daughter of the Mother Earth.

